woensdag 25 januari 2012

The orange chef goes global with:

Blueberry pear sauce with thyme, rosemary and cognac

Orange chef making the sauce

For 4 not too greedy people
To make more, just take more of any fruit you like! (You can easily take 2 pears or an apple)

1 orange
4 tablespoons (Demerara) sugar
100 gram blueberries
1 pear
50 ml cognac
2 twigs rosemary
2 (lemon) thyme

Mise en place:
-Peel zest off of half the orange. Only the orange part of the orange, or bitterness will rule the sauce, as we say in good Dutch.

-Rinse blueberries
-Peel pear en cut in eight to 16 pieces
-Rinse rosemary and thyme

Start cooking:
-be careful with tasting!!! The sauce will be extremely hot.-
Take a pan, any pan will do but make sure the pan is big enough to mess around. Heated sugar is dangerously hot.
-Start with the sugar and blueberries in the pan on medium heat.
Leave them to melt for a short time,
stir a little after some of the berries are melted.
When all is well mixed add pear, orange zest and herbs.
-mix well.
Attention: if the pear is ripe do not cook to long, about 4 minutes will do. When not ripe, cook the pear till slightly soft.
-now add the cognac or for non-alcoholics some fruit juice.
-reduce the sauce a little
-take out the herbs!!!

Now serve with:
Icecream; Applepie; Yoghurt; custard etc. etc.
Cooking with herbs has a few attention points.
-The flavours can be overpowering and the herbs are also quite chewy.
*so rosemary and thyme in this recipe should not could too long with the sauce.
You will have to try out what you like.
*remove them before they fall apart;
*put them in a little cloth-bag, this works really well in soups and other liquids.
*do not stir to much in the pan, so the herbs won’t break
cooking is playing

the best chefs can wait

and wait some more

mixing is hard work for a little orange chef

a great chef knows when the cookin 'izzzz done!

cleaning up, a realy good chef does it all!!!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Deze mevrouw heeft humor en talent, Chapeau !!!

  2. Haha! Súper leuk!! Je brengt een glimlach op mijn gezicht deze ochtend :)

  3. Dank je wel Ellen. Ik hoop dat hij voor de Kerst weer in actie komt :-)
